Great Star Trek Quotes

Kirk, Spock, ScottyBeam me up Scotty - Captain Kirk

Spock, will you please sit down! - Captain Kirk

Where's that torpedo? - Captain Kirk

Vulcans never bluff. - Spock

You! What PLANET is this! - Dr. McCoy

I'm attempting to construct a mnemonic memory circuit, using stone knives and bearskins. - Spock

Mister Chekov, I think you've earned your pay for the week. - Kirk

Doctor, if you don't cease your meddling, I will most certainly break your neck! - Dr. McCoy

We come in peace. - Captain Kirk

I guess you'll have to fire me, sir. - Scott

Sir, you are a superb starship captain. But as a taxi driver, you leave much to be desired. - Spock

Spock, wheres the power you promised? - Captain Kirk

You can't appreciate Shakespeare until you've read him in the original Klingon. - Chang

Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end. - Spock

Mr. Spock, the women on your planet are logical. That's the only planet in the galaxy that can make that claim. - Kirk

Live long and prosper - Spock

Spock. This child is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do....spank it? - Dr. McCoy

Don't call me Tiny - Sulu

Shut-up, Spock! We're rescuing you! - McCoy

I'm beginning to think I can cure a rainy day! - McCoy
Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Everyone remember where we parked. - Captain Kirk

I was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was in diapers! - Captain Kirk

Emotions are alien to me. I'm a scientist. - Spock

He's dead, Jim - McCoy

Live long and prosper. - Spock

Many Myths are based on truth - Spock

Well, what do you know? I finally got the last word. - McCoy

Where're you gonna find Spock's brain? - McCoy

I cannot guarantee that she'll hold up. - Scott

How can you think of food at a time like this? - McCoy

Torpedoes ready, sir. - Chekov

Remember. - Spock

What am I, a doctor or a moon shuttle conductor? - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer. - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not a coal miner. - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist. - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not an escalator. - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not an engineer. - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not a mechanic. - Dr. McCoy

I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist. - Dr. McCoy

Well, are you a doctor or aren't you? - Captain Kirk


  1. There Star Trek TOS quotes are awesome, dude.

  2. OMG, I love Star Trek!!! these quotes made me LOL SOOO bad!!! you should throw a few of Kirk's rotten pickup lines in there, along with "is there anyone on this ship who, even REMOTELY, looks like satan-Kirk to Spock at the end of The Apple." that's one of my favs. also, the one about beaming the Tribbles to the Klingons. that's classic.

  3. Star Trek , One of My Favorite ! The collection is awesome ... ! Thanks!

  4. He never once says "beam me up scotty".

  5. Next time some one asks you how you are doing "Spock" them. Say, "i sm functioning within normal parameters
    for a carbon based unit." If they ask you to smile, say "I see no reason at this time to immulate an insincere primate fear face."

  6. Next time someone asks you how you're doing "Spock" them. Say "I believe that I am functioning within acceptable perimeters for a carbon based unit." When people tell you to smile, say "I see no reason at this time to display an insincere primate fear face."

  7. Next time someone asks you how you're doing "Spock" them. Say "I believe that I am functioning within acceptable perimeters for a carbon based unit." When people tell you to smile, say "I see no reason at this time to display an insincere primate fear face."

  8. FuturEnterpriseCaptianJuly 12, 2011 10:48 AM

    Love it!!!!
    Specially the last 8 quotes!

  9. I am looking for the quote from I think it was Spock, something to the effect: The needs of the many can sometimes outweigh the needs of the one. This is a paraphrase of the quote, but I cannot find it anywhere..??? Does anyone know where it is....

  10. One that always comes to mind is Scott's, "Captain, I'm doing the best I can." Or some such. Always reminds me that even at warp, we've got our limitations and aren't fast enough.
