Spider Man Quotes

Spider Man QuotesGo web. Fly. Up, up, and away web! Shazam! Go! Go! Go web go! Tally ho! - Peter Parker

I dont suppose I could convince you to come up here and fight like a spider? - Spider Man

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. - Spider Man

We'll meet again, Spider-Man! - Green Goblin

Work was murder! - Green Goblin

Can Spider-Man come out to play? - Green Goblin

Oh come on, now, you're not gonna fall for the old 'command to attack' ploy, are you? - Spider Man

You've spun your last web, Spider-Man. - Green Goblin

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the Goblin and took the spider out. - Green Goblin

You are so fat that your high school yearbook photo was taken from a helicopter! Ooh, tough room. Ok, how about... you're so fat that when you get on a scale, it says "One At a Time". - Spider Man

It's not nice to rob banks in Mr. Spiderman's neighborhood. Can you say, "I'm going to jail"? - Spider Man

Oh! I think I just shot webs out of my nose! - Spider Man

I haven't seen you this angry since the Colonel wouldn't tell you his recipe for his secret spices. - Spider Man
Peter Parker SpiderMan
Did it ever occur to you that maybe...just maybe...if you’re nice to people, they might LET you rule the world? - Spider Man

Holographic zombies? Where'd you get the idea from... Scooby-Doo? - Spider Man

Can you spell rhetorical? - Spider Man

Your belly button makes an echo - Spider Man

If you were a truck you would have a wide load sign. When you back up you can hear a beeping sound. - Spider Man

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